Intrinsic Motivation vs Extrinsic Motivation

Devlin Peck
. Updated on 
May 4, 2023
Intrinsic Motivation vs Extrinsic Motivation Thumbnail

How can we appeal to different types of motivation when designing learning experiences and eLearning projects?

Whether you’re trying to motivate an audience or learn how motivation works for yourself, you should know about the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, as well as how those two types of motivation work together.

If we appeal to the wrong type of motivation at the wrong time, we can actually cause our audiences to feel less motivated than they were initially.

In this video, we discuss the difference between both types of motivation, how we can apply examples of each to learning solutions, and what risks may come with leaning too heavily toward extrinsic motivation only.

Devlin Peck
Devlin Peck
Devlin Peck is the founder of, where he helps people build instructional design skills and break into the industry. He previously worked as a freelance instructional designer and graduated from Florida State University.
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Devlin Peck

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