Kelley Gaines

Kelley decided she was ready for a change after 16 years in the classroom and the special education field. With a solid background in teaching and curriculum development, she knew instructional design was right for her.

She spent time applying to ID roles, but after not hearing back from hiring managers or potential employers, Kelley decided to join the bootcamp. Upon enrolling, she was motivated to upskill in the technology and design effective learning experiences, and if you check out her portfolio, it clearly shows!

A picture of Kelley Gaines

Kelley's portfolio uses a simple three-color scheme design that makes her site both visually-pleasing and inviting. She implements color to break up content and subtle animations that invite the user down the page and showcase her attention to detail.

Both projects in her portfolio showcase the full range of her ID skillset, and the AI project in particular shows her ability to research and stay current with new technologies in the industry.

Kelley worked on her flagship project for a real client and kept the project in scope by using action mapping while working with the SME to build her scenarios.

She integrated graphics that were appropriate for the scenarios with her client's existing branding style and guidelines. Even though such requests can present limitations in the visual design process, Kelley blended together all graphical elements in a cohesive way.

Her scenarios are super relatable and the consequences are immediately evident, which provide a level of feedback that shows she has the learner in mind.

To help her further stand out, Kelley created a quick showcase of how artificial intelligence can be used in the ID process. By sharing her perspective on the topic and her hope for AI in the future of the industry, she caught the attention of her current employer and landed a role.

If you'd like to explore Kelley's site for yourself, then select the button below.

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A picture of Kelley Gaines
Kelley Gaines
Instructional Systems Designer at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company

In 2022, I decided to move on from teaching. I knew I wanted to move into instructional design, but I was getting frustrated applying to jobs without success. Almost every job description mentioned Articulate, and I had no experience with the software. I saw many of Devlin's videos on YouTube and decided to bite the bullet and learn it all. I knew that if I got a job, then the bootcamp would more than pay for itself.

I'm a little amazed at how much I learned and what I can do now. The bootcamp not only taught me how to create a course in Storyline, it helped me create a website portfolio, tailor my resume, prepare for interviews, and make new friendships that continue to help me grow. The bootcamp pros gave constructive feedback in a positive and supportive way, and I'm so grateful for all their help.

After three months of working at it full time, I finished the bootcamp and found a new job in Learning and Development. I recently designed, developed and implemented a scenario-based course on Harassment Avoidance. It is uploaded to the LMS and ready to go out to 2,000 employees. Seven months ago, I knew nothing about Articulate Storyline, and now I'm living the dream.

Ready to create your portfolio?

The ID Bootcamp helps you build your skills, create a strong portfolio, and land high-paying opportunities. If you'd like to learn more and enroll, then you can select the button below.

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