How to Visualize Question Responses in Veracity LRS

Devlin Peck
. Updated on 
May 5, 2023
How to visualize question responses in Veracity LRS tutorial cover photo

Do you want to quickly see how people respond to questions in your eLearning courses?

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create pie charts that show user responses to each question.

Veracity LRS Pie Chart showing user responses

You can use these visualizations to see which percentage of the responses are correct, as well as which distractors are the most convincing. This data may suggest that you:

We will accomplish this using the Chart Builder in Veracity LRS.

This tutorial also assumes that you've already collected the xAPI data. If you have not, then you should complete the Getting Started with xAPI Tutorial Series.

Specifically, you should collect xAPI statements that include the question's ID in the property and the question response in the result.response property.

If your xAPI statements are set up correctly, then following the steps in this tutorial should be a breeze.

Let's get started!

Create the Dashboard

First, either sign into your Veracity LRS or create an account.

If you were not already collecting your xAPI data in Veracity LRS, then import it or begin collecting data now.

Once you've signed in, select the LRS that holds the xAPI data for your questions.

Next, select "Analytics" from the toolbar on the left.

Select analytics from the left toolbar

After that, select "Custom Dashboards," then select "New Dashboard."

Select Custom Dashboards then New Dashboard from left toolbar

Now you can select "Edit Dashboard."

Select edit dashboard button

If you'd like, rename the dashboard by selecting the "Set Title" button.

Set Title for the custom dashboard

I suggest creating a dashboard for each quiz or set of questions that you would like to visualize. Think of the dashboard as a single-page "folder" for the individual pie charts.

Create the Pie Chart

Now that the dashboard is set up, we need to create the pie charts.

Add a new widget by selecting the "Add Widget" button. Then choose "Chart Builder."

Select chart builder

Title the chart based off of the question and the correct answer. For example, I like to include the question number with the correct answer in parentheses, like this: "Question 1 (False)."

Also, change the chart type to "Pie Chart."

Set the chart title and chart type

Next, we need to change the value next to "Make a slice for each unique value of" to "result.response."

You can do this by selecting the small "X" next to "" Press it once to get back to "actor," then press it again to get to the root of the xAPI statement.

Now, next to "Choose a path," select the downward facing arrow.

Select downward facing arrow

Select "result" from the list, then select the downward facing arrow again and select "response."

Finally, select the "+" icon to the right of "Matching Statements Where."

Select the plus icon

Now, using the same approach as above, use the downward facing arrow to navigate to ""

In the text box next to "equals," enter the object ID for the question whose responses you would like to display.

Confirm the pie chart settings

And there you have it! Select "OK" at the bottom of the window to close it and view your pie chart.

Completed pie chart in Veracity LRS


You can use the steps in this tutorial to create a dashboard for each of your quizzes, as well as a pie chart for each question within those quizzes.

If you have any questions or need a hand accomplishing this, then feel free to join the ID community.

Devlin Peck
Devlin Peck
Devlin Peck is the founder of, where he helps people build instructional design skills and break into the industry. He previously worked as a freelance instructional designer and graduated from Florida State University.
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Devlin Peck

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